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Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy of Megson FitzPatrick Insurance

This policy document formalizes an existing Firm policy in compliance with Federal legislation Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) which took effect January 1, 2004. A copy of PIPEDA is available at

While the new legislation only applies to personal information about an identifiable individual, Megson FitzPatrick Insurance will continue to diligently safeguard sensitive information received from our clients.

The following details 10 privacy principles that comprise the policy, augmented by comment on their application.

  1. Accountability: Megson FitzPatrick Insurance is responsible for personal information under its control and shall designate an individual or individuals responsible for compliance. Every Customer Representative on the staff of Megson FitzPatrick Insurance is individually responsible for strict adherence to this privacy policy. In addition, the firm has appointed the following Privacy Officer to monitor compliance and respond to customer needs and requests with respect to any concerns regarding privacy of personal information.

    Privacy Officer: Jacqueline Niemann
    Megson FitzPatrick Insurance
    3561 Shelbourne Street
    Victoria, British Columbia
    V8P 4G8

    Telephone: (250) 595-5212 or 1-888-595-5212
    Fax:  (250) 595-2900

  2. Identifying Purposes: The purposes for which personal information is collected shall be identified by Megson FitzPatrick Insurance at or before the time the information is collected. We will collect information for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate.

    We may require information to:

    • Verify customer identity;
    • Understand insurance needs and determine eligibility for products and services;
    • Recommend products and services to meet those insurance needs;
    • Provide continuing service;
    • Establish and maintain communications;
    • Respond to requests on an appropriate and timely basis;
    • Enable us to acquire or renew an insurance policy;
    • Investigate and settle claims;
    • Protect customers and this firm from error or fraud;
    • Comply with legal requirements.
  3. Obtaining consent: Before or when we collect, use or disclose personal information about an individual we will obtain the consent of the individual for such action. The consent may be given expressly (oral or written), implicitly or through an authorized representative. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. If this should occur, we will explain any implications arising from withdrawal of consent. For existing customers, personal information voluntarily given prior January 1, 2004 will be regarded by us as implicit consent unless a customer advises they wish to withdraw such consent. Express Consent (oral or written) to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information will be obtained from all new customers and from existing customers acquiring a new policy or insurer.Consent can be withdrawn with a telephone call to the office of Megson FitzPatrick Insurance. 
  4. Limiting the collection of personal information: We will limit the collection of personal information to serving identified purposes. Information will be collected by fair and lawful means.

    Examples of types of information often required to serve customer insurance needs are:

    • Name address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address;
    • Driving record;
    • Previous insurance history and claims experience;
    • Details of property to be insured;
    • Employment information;
    • Banking information, credit standing, payment history;
    • Identification numbers.
  5. Limiting the use, disclosure and retention of personal information: We will use or disclose personal information only for the purpose for which the information was collected, unless an individual gives consent to use or disclosure for another purpose. We will keep personal information only as long as necessary for the identified use, or, as required by law.We do not sell customer information to anyone. Nor do we share customer information with any third parties not directly involved in the provision of insurance products and services to you, unless you so consent.
  6. Keeping personal information accurate: To the best of our ability, we will keep the personal information in our possession and control complete, current and relevant relying on the owner of such information (customer) advising as to any changes. Any individual (customer) may question the accuracy and completeness of the personal information we have on file for them, at any time and may have it amended as appropriate.
  7. Safeguarding information: We will protect the storage of personal information with safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. We will protect personal information, regardless of its format, against unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
  8. Openness: We will be open about the policies and procedures used to manage personal information. Such policies and procedures are readily available by contacting Megson FitzPatrick Insurance.
  9. Providing access to personal information: Upon request, we will advise individuals (customers) of the existence, nature, use and disclosure of their personal information in our keeping and control. Individuals can have their information amended or corrected. We will respond to an access to personal information request within 30 days.
  10. Questions and/or complaints about privacy: Individuals (customers) may challenge the Megson FitzPatrick Insurance personal information handling practices and/or the firm’s compliance with privacy legislation. Complaints and inquiries should be directed to the Privacy Officer.When an individual calls us, we may confirm their identity by asking them to confirm certain personal information of which we have knowledge. Depending on the complexity of the request, we may ask that it be submitted in writing.

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